On 02 July 2019, CEDEM organised a dissemination event to sensitise a group of 37 youth workers and young people on the different activities that have been carried out during the project of Building Bridges. The Mauritian delegates who participated in one or more activities of the project shared their experiences with the rest of the participants. This was done through:
- A graphic presentation showing images of the different activities;

- A word cloud activity to elicit words that related to the experience of the project;

- An intercultural activity on teaching participants songs from Madagascar and Germany respectively; and

- A group experiential activity with paper to help participants understand the concept of ‘Building Bridges’ through creating links and working together.

This two-hour event allowed the participants to feel motivated about such types of projects and wished that CEDEM gets involved in more such projects. The young people who attended the event also expressed an interest on participating in similar initiatives in the future.